09:50~10:00 開場/開会の辞 10:00~11:30 ISCRAM 勉強会 1 10:00 五郎丸秀樹 千葉工業大学 ISCRAM2023 Examining the influence of social media on individual’s protective action taking during Covid-19 in China Xiaodan Yu, Jiaying Chen, Jiaqi Liu 2 10:12 爰川 知宏 東京国際工科専門職大学 ISCRAM2023 Exploring Demons for the Establishment of Team Situational Awareness Rustenberg, K.; Radianti, J.; Gjøsæter, T. 3 10:24 櫨山章太郎 日本大学大学院 ISCRAM2023 Evaluation of Improvement Projects in Densely Built-Up Area using a Large Earthquake Disaster Simulator: A case study in Kyojima Area, Tokyo Kishimoto, M.; Osaragi, T.; Chan Yili 4 10:36 六瀬聡宏 東海大学 ISCRAM2023 Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning for Fine-Grained Disaster Tweet Classification Henry Peng Zou, Cornelia Caragea, Yue Zhou, Doina Caragea 5 10:48 中原邦博 京都大学大学院情報学研究科 Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Towards the Design of a Simulation-based Decision Support System for Mass-Casualty Incidents. Hager, Florentina; Reuter-Oppermann, Melanie; Müller, Tim; Ottenburger, Sadeeb 6 11:00 宇津 圭祐 東海大学 ISCRAM2023 Humor-Based COVID-19 Twitter Accounts Apoorva Chauhan 7 11:12 村山 優子 津田塾大学 ISCRAM2023 “Contact Tracing Mobile Applications in New York: A Qualitative Study on the Use and Privacy Perceptions” DeeDee M. Bennett Gayle, Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan, Yvonne A. Dadson and Natasha K. Edwards